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About CWR

WHO are we?

We are Classic Watch Repair. Whilst already quite established within the international vintage Rolex collector community through our band restoration services, this venture intends to service a broader base with a service center for all collectible watches and clocks, whether vintage or modern.

-Michael Young, Co-founder, Classic Watch Repair

What sets us apart

In co-operation with a new partner (he is camera shy); Mr. Sin;  who is a second generation watchmaker, we now have access to a team of watch specialists that can provide a good watch service at very reasonable rates.

To be honest, watch repair is beyond fixing and oiling the movement, that is the easy part.  We are a boutique watch repair outfit that can undertake repairs beyond the movement. We can do repairs on the case and the dial as well.  Don't claim your watch is scrap before giving us a final look!

Vintage is our expertise

We find it interesting that many customers come to us because the original name brand service centers simply refuse to undertake watch repair of their own vintage watches.  The brand owners have their reasons, they have to guarantee that their repairs are up to standard as a brand new watch, but in reality the vintage watch owner simply wants the watch to run reasonably accurate.  A non-running watch is useless to the owner.

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Our objective is simple: Make it run and then try our best to tune it up.

There are numerous reasons why a movement does not run accurately, servicing solves most of the issues, but beyond that ; wear and tear of pivots,  aging of parts all contribute to it.  We try our best to source new original parts for all our servicing.  If they are not available we shall either try to recondition the old part or source good used parts from same donor movements.


There is a myth amongst the non-collectors society that watch repair shops swap out their original parts to exchange for fake parts.  There is some truth to this and we have seen some examples, but this is true to only hit and run operations.  We have invested heavily financially on our top of the range machinery and our reputation into this venture and we intend to set ourselves apart.  In the event that we find some non-original parts in a customer's watch we shall immediately inform the customer before undertaking repairs, this will avoid potential misunderstanding.

Besides good work, you want your watch to be safe in our hands